
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

First decade! Experiences of hazrat qayyum zaman ibrar wali (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ).

Ubqari Magazine - April 2020

The routine of pious people; seeing the moon recite this surah;

 Having seen the moon of Ramzan surah Muhammad should be recited. Then it’s a blessing if someone after reciting it have a look on its sward or king or family.

It has been the routine of all pious people that they used to recite surah fateh after seeing moon and they proved themselves generous in distributing free food for hungry people’s whole year or if they have not the capacity of it they used to concentrate on their ibadat

In the month of Ramzan this  aiyat should be recited excessively at each night

اللھم انک عفو تحب العفو فاعف عنی یا غفور

Allah will save you from all types of sins.

Each night having seen the sky this should be recited

یا واسع المغفرۃ- ربنا ما خلقت ھذا باطلا – سبحنک فقنا عذاب النار

Let the doors of victory and blessings be opened-

Having seen the moon of ramzan read this prayer by keeping your attentions in your heart

یا رب اسرافیل یا رب میکائیل یا ستار یا غفار

Do this process continuously for seven days in shah Allah the doors of victories and blessings will be opened to you from all sides. If after this the same process is repeated next year on seeing the ramzan moon for seven days then one ‘”chila” will be completed. With the blessings of this process Allah bless you with prosperity and generosity.

By reading this hidden treasures will be found;

From the first day of ramzan up to seventh day reading five prayers regularly and then with complete purity of heart read these names of Allah 70 times without talking with anyone

یا ھادی یا خبیر یا متین یا علام الغیوب

Then go in sajda read this for 3 times

الا یعلم من خلق و ھو اللطیف الخبیر

So by the grace of Allah the hidden treasures of earth will be opened to such a person and will be able to read the secrets of others heart. If same practice is continued for 3 weeks of ramzan then the different and  faraway news will be opened to the heart.

For prosperity and blessings

This naqash will be written on 12 th of ramzan if its Thursday or Friday then write it oniron sheet and save in your wring.This naqash will save you from worries and unknown problems and a cause for blessing in earning

In first friday formeeting prophet pbuh in dream;

In the month of ramzan at night of first Friday after taking bath and with abloution after performing esha prayer read 12 rakat nawafil. In each rakat read surah kauser and surah ikhlas then recite surah muzamil once and then read any drood pak which you know 1000 time and go to bed without talking anyone .In shah allah you will see prophet  ﷺ in dream.

A proven treatment for kidny pain and stone.

Respacted hazrat Asslam o alaikum I want to share my personal spiritual experience. I was the patient of kidney pain 2 years ago even after surgery no reliefe in pain .Once I heard in your lectures about the benefits of surah Fatiha.I regularly started to read surah fatiha 11 times and drood pak before and after 11 times whenever I felt pain. After this process stone removed from kidney through urine.Now Alhamdolillah I’m fine.May Allah bless you with long life

Let us make allah please with us in the month of ramzan through relative and generations be benefitted.  

Respected hazrat jee aslamu alikum .I heard in one of your spiritual lectures that before ramzan we should apologized from our relatives if they are angry with us for any reason and do this just to please Allah. hazrat jee my youngest sister was not on speaking terms with me for the last our year. After hearing your dars I went to her home I apologized from her similarly I went to my younger brother home and apologized from him. Though my younger brother tried to shoot me in quarrel. Though it was his mistake even then I apologized from him and all my relatives were astonished and asked what brings you here and I relied that it is the order of my teacher (murshad). Though it was his mistake but I did it only to please my Allah. May Allah accept my this act and alhamudullilah I have started to feel the blessing of kindness. It is my request to all the readers in this rmazan make you all relatives pleased with you. Although it’s not your mistake do it with heavy heart. It was really hard for me but I did it for the sake of my Allah. Now I am very peaceful and happy.

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